마인크래프트/전체 단어 목록/영어

끄투어렵다 (토론 | 기여)님의 2022년 8월 8일 (월) 09:43 판 (ㅇ까지)

마인크래프트 주제에 해당하는 영어 단어 목록입니다.


길이 단어
11 acacia boat
13 acacia button
11 acacia door
12 acacia fence
17 acacia fence gate
13 acacia leaves
10 acacia log
13 acacia planks
21 acacia pressure plate
14 acacia sapling
11 acacia sign
11 acacia slab
13 acacia stairs
15 acacia trapdoor
11 acacia wood
5 allay
15 allay spawn egg
14 ancient debris
8 andesite
13 andesite slab
15 andesite stairs
13 andesite wall
5 anvil
5 apple
11 armor stand
16 arrow of harming
16 arrow of healing
21 arrow of invisibility
16 arrow of leaping
13 arrow of luck
21 arrow of night vision
15 arrow of poison
21 arrow of regeneration
21 arrow of slow falling
17 arrow of slowness
17 arrow of strength
18 arrow of swiftness
26 arrow of the turtle master
24 arrow of water breathing
17 arrow of weakness
14 awkward potion
11 azure bluet


길이 단어
8 bad luck
8 badlands
12 baked potato
6 bamboo
13 bamboo jungle
6 barrel
3 bat
13 bat spawn egg
6 beacon
7 bedrock
3 bee
8 bee nest
13 bee spawn egg
7 beehive
8 beetroot
14 beetroot seeds
13 beetroot soup
12 black banner
9 black bed
12 black candle
12 black carpet
14 black concrete
21 black concrete powder
9 black dye
23 black glazed terracotta
17 black shulker box
19 black stained glass
24 black stained glass pane
16 black terracotta
10 black wool
13 blast furnace
5 blaze
12 blaze powder
9 blaze rod
15 blaze spawn egg
9 blindness
13 block of coal
15 block of copper
16 block of diamond
16 block of emerald
13 block of gold
13 block of iron
18 block of netherite
15 block of quartz
19 block of raw copper
17 block of raw gold
17 block of raw iron
17 block of redstone
11 blue banner
8 blue bed
11 blue candle
11 blue carpet
13 blue concrete
8 blue dye
22 blue glazed terracotta
16 blue shulker box
18 blue stained glass
23 blue stained glass pane
15 blue terracotta
9 blue wool
4 bone
10 bone block
9 bone meal
19 bottle o enchanting
4 bowl
11 brain coral
17 brain coral block
15 brain coral fan
5 bread
13 brewing stand
5 brick
10 brick slab
12 brick stairs
10 brick wall
6 bricks
12 brown banner
9 brown bed
12 brown candle
12 brown carpet
14 brown concrete
21 brown concrete powder
9 brown dye
23 brown glazed terracotta
14 brown mushroom
20 brown mushroom block
17 brown shulker box
19 brown stained glass
24 brown stained glass pane
16 brown terracotta
10 brown wool
12 bubble coral
18 bubble coral block
16 bubble coral fan
6 bucket
13 bucket of cod
20 bucket of pufferfish
16 bucket of salmon
16 budding amethyst


길이 단어
6 cactus
8 campfire
6 carrot
17 carrot on a stick
3 cat
13 cat spawn egg
8 cauldron
11 cave spider
21 cave spider spawn egg
5 chain
15 chainmail boots
16 chainmail helmet
18 chainmail leggings
8 charcoal
5 chest
7 chicken
17 chicken spawn egg
13 chipped anvil
5 clock
4 coal
8 coal ore
11 coarse dirt
17 cobbled deepslate
6 cobweb
3 cod
13 cod spawn egg
7 compass
14 cooked chicken
10 cooked cod
13 cooked mutton
15 cooked porkchop
13 cooked rabbit
13 cooked salmon
10 copper ore
10 cornflower
3 cow
13 cow spawn egg
24 cracked deepslate bricks
21 cracked nether bricks
34 cracked polished blackstone bricks
20 cracked stone bricks
8 crossbow
15 crying obsidian
10 cut copper
17 cut red sandstone
22 cut red sandstone slab
13 cut sandstone
18 cut sandstone slab


길이 단어
13 damaged anvil
9 dandelion
11 dark forest
9 dead bush
15 deep cold ocean
17 deep frozen ocean
19 deep lukewarm ocean
10 deep ocean
16 deepslate bricks
18 deepslate coal ore
20 deepslate copper ore
21 deepslate diamond ore
21 deepslate emerald ore
18 deepslate gold ore
18 deepslate iron ore
26 deepslate lapis lazuli ore
22 deepslate redstone ore
15 deepslate tiles
6 desert
13 detector rail
7 diamond
11 diamond axe
13 diamond boots
18 diamond chestplate
14 diamond helmet
11 diamond hoe
19 diamond horse armor
16 diamond leggings
11 diamond ore
15 diamond pickaxe
14 diamond shovel
13 diamond sword
7 diorite
12 diorite slab
14 diorite stairs
12 diorite wall
9 dispenser
7 dolphin
17 dolphin spawn egg
14 dolphins grace
6 donkey
16 donkey spawn egg
11 dragon head
14 dragons breath
10 dried kelp
16 dried kelp block
7 dropper
7 drowned
17 drowned spawn egg


길이 단어
10 echo shard
3 egg
14 elder guardian
24 elder guardian spawn egg
6 elytra
7 emerald
11 emerald ore
9 empty map
14 enchanted book
22 enchanted golden apple
16 enchanting table
11 end barrens
11 end crystal
13 end highlands
12 end midlands
16 end portal frame
7 end rod
9 end stone
20 end stone brick slab
22 end stone brick stairs
20 end stone brick wall
16 end stone bricks
11 ender chest
12 ender dragon
11 ender pearl
8 enderman
18 enderman spawn egg
9 endermite
19 endermite spawn egg
6 evoker
16 evoker spawn egg
14 exposed copper
18 exposed cut copper
12 eye of ender


길이 단어
8 farmland
7 feather
20 fermented spider eye
4 fern
10 fire coral
16 fire coral block
14 fire coral fan
11 fishing rod
5 flint
15 flint and steel
13 flower forest
16 flowering azalea
23 flowering azalea leaves
6 forest
3 fox
13 fox spawn egg
4 frog
14 frog spawn egg
9 frogspawn
12 frozen ocean
12 frozen peaks
12 frozen river


길이 단어
5 ghast
15 ghast spawn egg
10 ghast tear
5 giant
5 glass
12 glass bottle
10 glass pane
22 glistering melon slice
12 glow berries
15 glow item frame
11 glow lichen
7 glowing
9 glowstone
9 goat horn
10 gold ingot
11 gold nugget
8 gold ore
10 golden axe
12 golden boots
17 golden chestplate
13 golden helmet
10 golden hoe
18 golden horse armor
15 golden leggings
14 golden pickaxe
13 golden shovel
12 golden sword
10 grindstone
8 guardian
18 guardian spawn egg


길이 단어
13 hanging roots
5 haste
8 hay bale
12 health boost
16 heart of the sea
11 honey block
12 honey bottle
9 honeycomb
15 honeycomb block
10 horn coral
16 horn coral block
14 horn coral fan
5 horse
15 horse spawn egg


길이 단어
3 ice
10 ice spikes
30 infested chiseled stone bricks
20 infested cobblestone
29 infested cracked stone bricks
27 infested mossy stone bricks
14 infested stone
21 infested stone bricks
7 ink sac
10 item frame


길이 단어
12 jagged peaks


길이 단어
6 ladder
7 lantern
11 lava bucket
4 lead
7 leather
13 leather boots
11 leather cap
19 leather horse armor
13 leather pants
13 leather tunic
7 lectern
5 lever
10 levitation
5 light
29 light weighted pressure plate
5 lilac
18 lily of the valley
8 lily pad
11 lime banner
8 lime bed
11 lime candle
11 lime carpet
13 lime concrete
20 lime concrete powder
8 lime dye
22 lime glazed terracotta
16 lime shulker box
18 lime stained glass
23 lime stained glass pane
15 lime terracotta
9 lime wool
35 lingering potion of fire resistance
27 lingering potion of harming
32 lingering potion of invisibility
27 lingering potion of leaping
24 lingering potion of luck
32 lingering potion of night vision
26 lingering potion of poison
32 lingering potion of regeneration
28 lingering potion of slowness
28 lingering potion of strength
29 lingering potion of swiftness
37 lingering potion of the turtle master
35 lingering potion of water breathing
5 llama
15 llama spawn egg
4 loom
14 lukewarm ocean
10 lush caves


길이 단어
11 magma block
10 magma cube
20 magma cube spawn egg
13 mangrove boat
15 mangrove button
13 mangrove door
14 mangrove fence
19 mangrove fence gate
15 mangrove leaves
12 mangrove log
15 mangrove planks
23 mangrove pressure plate
18 mangrove propagule
13 mangrove sign
13 mangrove slab
15 mangrove stairs
17 mangrove trapdoor
13 mangrove wood
6 meadow
5 melon
11 melon seeds
11 melon slice
11 milk bucket
8 minecart
19 minecart with chest
20 minecart with hopper
9 minecraft
9 mooshroom
19 mooshroom spawn egg
10 moss block
11 moss carpet
17 mossy cobblestone
22 mossy cobblestone slab
24 mossy cobblestone stairs
22 mossy cobblestone wall
22 mossy stone brick slab
24 mossy stone brick stairs
22 mossy stone brick wall
18 mossy stone bricks
14 mud brick slab
16 mud brick stairs
14 mud brick wall
10 mud bricks
4 mule
14 mule spawn egg
15 mushroom fields
13 mushroom stem
13 mushroom stew
10 music disc
8 mycelium


길이 단어
8 name tag
6 nausea
12 nether brick
18 nether brick fence
17 nether brick slab
19 nether brick stairs
17 nether brick wall
13 nether bricks
15 nether gold ore
13 nether quartz
17 nether quartz ore
14 nether sprouts
11 nether star
11 nether wart
17 nether wart block
13 nether wastes
13 netherite axe
15 netherite boots
20 netherite chestplate
16 netherite helmet
13 netherite hoe
15 netherite ingot
18 netherite leggings
17 netherite pickaxe
15 netherite scrap
16 netherite shovel
15 netherite sword
10 netherrack
12 night vision
10 note block


길이 단어
8 observer
5 ocean
6 ocelot
16 ocelot spawn egg
23 old growth spruce taiga
11 oxeye daisy
15 oxidized copper
19 oxidized cut copper


길이 단어
10 packed ice
10 packed mud
8 painting
6 parrot
16 parrot spawn egg
5 peony
18 petrified oak slab
3 pig
13 pig spawn egg
8 pillager
18 pillager spawn egg
11 pink banner
8 pink bed
11 pink candle
11 pink carpet
13 pink concrete
20 pink concrete powder
8 pink dye
22 pink glazed terracotta
16 pink shulker box
18 pink stained glass
23 pink stained glass pane
15 pink terracotta
10 pink tulip
9 pink wool
17 pointed dripstone
16 poisonous potato
10 polar bear
20 polar bear spawn egg
17 polished andesite
22 polished andesite slab
24 polished andesite stairs
15 polished basalt
19 polished blackstone
30 polished blackstone brick slab
32 polished blackstone brick stairs
30 polished blackstone brick wall
26 polished blackstone bricks
26 polished blackstone button
34 polished blackstone pressure plate
24 polished blackstone slab
26 polished blackstone stairs
24 polished blackstone wall
18 polished deepslate
16 polished diorite
21 polished diorite slab
23 polished diorite stairs
16 polished granite
21 polished granite slab
23 polished granite stairs
5 poppy
6 potato
17 potion of harming
17 potion of leaping
22 potion of night vision
16 potion of poison
22 potion of slow falling
18 potion of slowness
19 potion of swiftness
27 potion of the turtle master
25 potion of water breathing
18 potion of weakness
18 powder snow bucket
10 pufferfish
20 pufferfish spawn egg
13 purple banner
10 purple bed
13 purple candle
13 purple carpet
15 purple concrete
22 purple concrete powder
10 purple dye
24 purple glazed terracotta
18 purple shulker box
20 purple stained glass
25 purple stained glass pane
17 purple terracotta
11 purple wool


길이 단어
13 quartz pillar
11 quartz slab
13 quartz stairs


길이 단어
4 rail
8 raw beef
11 raw chicken
7 raw cod
10 raw mutton
12 raw porkchop
10 raw rabbit
10 raw salmon
16 recovery compass
10 red banner
7 red bed
10 red candle
10 red carpet
12 red concrete
19 red concrete powder
7 red dye
21 red glazed terracotta
12 red mushroom
18 red mushroom block
21 red nether brick slab
23 red nether brick stairs
21 red nether brick wall
17 red nether bricks
8 red sand
13 red sandstone
18 red sandstone slab
20 red sandstone stairs
18 red sandstone wall
15 red shulker box
17 red stained glass
22 red stained glass pane
14 red terracotta
9 red tulip
8 red wool
19 redstone comparator
13 redstone dust
13 redstone lamp
12 redstone ore
17 redstone repeater
14 redstone torch
20 reinforced deepslate
14 respawn anchor
5 river
11 rooted dirt
12 rotten flesh


길이 단어
6 saddle
6 salmon
16 salmon spawn egg
4 sand
9 sandstone
14 sandstone slab
16 sandstone stairs
14 sandstone wall
7 savanna
15 savanna plateau
11 scaffolding
5 sculk
14 sculk catalyst
12 sculk sensor
14 sculk shrieker
10 sculk vein
5 scute
11 sea lantern
10 sea pickle
6 shears
5 sheep
15 sheep spawn egg
6 shield
11 shroomlight
7 shulker
13 shulker shell
17 shulker spawn egg
8 skeleton
14 skeleton horse
24 skeleton horse spawn egg
14 skeleton skull
18 skeleton spawn egg
5 slime
11 slime block
15 slime spawn egg
9 slimeball
12 slow falling
8 slowness
13 smooth basalt
19 smooth quartz block
18 smooth quartz slab
20 smooth quartz stairs
20 smooth red sandstone
25 smooth red sandstone slab
27 smooth red sandstone stairs
16 smooth sandstone
21 smooth sandstone slab
23 smooth sandstone stairs
12 smooth stone
17 smooth stone slab
4 snow
10 snow block
10 snow golem
8 snowball
11 snowy beach
12 snowy plains
12 snowy slopes
11 snowy taiga
13 soul campfire
12 soul lantern
9 soul sand
16 soul sand valley
9 soul soil
10 soul torch
13 sparse jungle
14 spectral arrow
5 speed
6 spider
10 spider eye
16 spider spawn egg
6 sponge
11 spruce boat
13 spruce button
11 spruce door
12 spruce fence
17 spruce fence gate
13 spruce leaves
10 spruce log
13 spruce planks
21 spruce pressure plate
14 spruce sapling
11 spruce sign
11 spruce slab
13 spruce stairs
15 spruce trapdoor
11 spruce wood
5 squid
15 squid spawn egg
5 steak
5 stick
13 sticky piston
5 stone
9 stone axe
16 stone brick slab
18 stone brick stairs
16 stone brick wall
12 stone bricks
12 stone button
9 stone hoe
13 stone pickaxe
20 stone pressure plate
12 stone shovel
10 stone slab
12 stone stairs
11 stone sword
11 stonecutter
11 stony peaks
11 stony shore
5 stray
15 stray spawn egg
7 strider
17 strider spawn egg
6 string
20 stripped acacia wood
18 stripped birch log
19 stripped birch wood
23 stripped crimson hyphae
21 stripped crimson stem
21 stripped dark oak log
22 stripped dark oak wood
19 stripped jungle log
20 stripped jungle wood
21 stripped mangrove log
22 stripped mangrove wood
16 stripped oak log
17 stripped oak wood
19 stripped spruce log
20 stripped spruce wood
22 stripped warped hyphae
20 stripped warped stem
15 structure block
14 structure void
5 sugar
10 sugar cane
15 suspicious stew
5 swamp
13 sweet berries
11 swift sneak


길이 단어
7 tadpole
14 tadpole bucket
17 tadpole spawn egg
6 target
7 the end
8 the void
16 totem of undying
12 trader llama
22 trader llama spawn egg
13 trapped chest
7 trident
13 tropical fish
23 tropical fish spawn egg
10 tube coral
16 tube coral block
14 tube coral fan
6 turtle
10 turtle egg
12 turtle shell
16 turtle spawn egg


길이 단어
6 unluck


길이 단어
3 vex
13 vex spawn egg
8 villager
18 villager spawn egg
10 vindicator
20 vindicator spawn egg
5 vines


길이 단어
16 wandering trader
26 wandering trader spawn egg
6 warden
16 warden spawn egg
10 warm ocean
13 warped button
11 warped door
12 warped fence
17 warped fence gate
13 warped forest
13 warped fungus
24 warped fungus on a stick
13 warped hyphae
13 warped nylium
13 warped planks
21 warped pressure plate
12 warped roots
11 warped sign
11 warped slab
13 warped stairs
11 warped stem
15 warped trapdoor
17 warped wart block
12 water bottle
15 water breathing
12 water bucket
16 waxed cut copper
21 waxed cut copper slab
23 waxed cut copper stairs
20 waxed exposed copper
24 waxed exposed cut copper
29 waxed exposed cut copper slab
31 waxed exposed cut copper stairs
21 waxed oxidized copper
25 waxed oxidized cut copper
30 waxed oxidized cut copper slab
32 waxed oxidized cut copper stairs
22 waxed weathered copper
26 waxed weathered cut copper
31 waxed weathered cut copper slab
33 waxed weathered cut copper stairs
8 weakness
16 weathered copper
20 weathered cut copper
5 wheat
11 wheat seeds
16 windswept forest
24 windswept gravelly hills
15 windswept hills
17 windswept savanna
5 witch
15 witch spawn egg
6 wither
11 wither rose
15 wither skeleton
21 wither skeleton skull
25 wither skeleton spawn egg
4 wolf
14 wolf spawn egg
15 wooded badlands
10 wooden axe
10 wooden hoe
14 wooden pickaxe
13 wooden shovel
12 wooden sword


길이 단어
13 yellow banner
10 yellow bed
13 yellow candle
13 yellow carpet
15 yellow concrete
22 yellow concrete powder
10 yellow dye
24 yellow glazed terracotta
18 yellow shulker box
20 yellow stained glass
25 yellow stained glass pane
17 yellow terracotta
11 yellow wool