마인크래프트/긴 단어 목록/영어

(할게없는)끄코유치원생 (토론 | 기여)님의 2023년 11월 2일 (목) 20:30 판
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마인크래프트 주제에 해당하는 25자 이상의 영어 단어 목록 입니다.


길이 단어
37 lingering potion of the turtle master
35 lingering potion of fire resistance
35 lingering potion of water breathing
34 cracked polished blackstone bricks
34 polished blackstone pressure plate
34 splash potion of the turtle master
33 waxed weathered cut copper stairs
32 lingering potion of invisibility
32 lingering potion of night vision
32 lingering potion of regeneration
32 lingering potion of slow falling
32 polished blackstone brick stairs
32 splash potion of fire resistance
32 splash potion of water breathing
32 waxed oxidized cut copper stairs
31 waxed exposed cut copper stairs
31 waxed weathered cut copper slab
30 infested chiseled stone bricks
30 polished blackstone brick slab
30 polished blackstone brick wall
30 waxed oxidized cut copper slab
29 heavy weighted pressure plate
29 infested cracked stone bricks
29 light blue stained glass pane
29 light gray stained glass pane
29 light weighted pressure plate
29 lingering potion of swiftness
29 splash potion of invisibility
29 splash potion of night vision
29 splash potion of regeneration
29 splash potion of slow falling
29 waxed exposed cut copper slab
28 chiseled polished blackstone
28 light blue glazed terracotta
28 light gray glazed terracotta
28 lingering potion of slowness
28 lingering potion of strength
28 lingering potion of weakness
28 lingering uncraftable potion
27 infested mossy stone bricks
27 lingering potion of harming
27 lingering potion of healing
27 lingering potion of leaping
27 minecart with command block
27 potion of the turtle master
27 smooth red sandstone stairs
27 weathered cut copper stairs
26 arrow of the turtle master
26 deepslate lapis lazuli ore
26 light blue concrete powder
26 light gray concrete powder
26 lingering potion of poison
26 magenta stained glass pane
26 oxidized cut copper stairs
26 polished blackstone bricks
26 polished blackstone button
26 polished blackstone stairs
26 splash potion of swiftness
26 wandering trader spawn egg
26 waxed weathered cut copper
26 zombified piglin spawn egg
25 exposed cut copper stairs
25 magenta glazed terracotta
25 orange stained glass pane
25 polished deepslate stairs
25 potion of fire resistance
25 potion of water breathing
25 purple stained glass pane
25 smooth red sandstone slab
25 splash potion of slowness
25 splash potion of strength
25 splash potion of weakness
25 splash uncraftable potion
25 waxed oxidized cut copper
25 weathered cut copper slab
25 wither skeleton spawn egg
25 yellow stained glass pane
25 zombie villager spawn egg