인체/글자별 단어 목록/T

Wotomy (토론 | 기여)님의 2020년 6월 27일 (토) 21:03 판
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상위 문서: 인체(주제)
인체 글자별 단어 목록
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길이 단어
1 t
6 t cell
12 t lymphocyte
4 tail
9 tail bone
8 tail end
5 talus
11 taret organ
11 target cell
12 target organ
6 tarsal
11 tarsal bone
12 tarsal gland
6 tarsus
9 taste bud
10 taste cell
8 tastebud
4 tear
9 tear duct
10 tear gland
8 tear sac
8 teardrop
4 teat
5 teeth
8 tegument
13 telencephalon
22 telocentric chromosome
8 telomere
6 temple
15 temporal artery
13 temporal bone
16 temporal canthus
16 temporal ccortex
14 temporal gyrus
13 temporal lobe
15 temporal muscle
13 temporal vein
10 temporalis
17 temporalis muscle
23 temporomandibular joint
6 tendon
18 tendon of achilles
6 tensor
14 tensor tympani
19 tenth cranial nerve
15 tentorial sinus
9 tentorium
5 teres
11 teres major
18 teres major muscle
11 teres minor
18 teres minor muscle
12 teres muscle
8 testicle
17 testicular artery
15 testicular vein
6 testis
18 tetraiodothyronine
19 thalamostriate vein
8 thalamus
15 thalmencephalon
6 thatch
6 thenar
14 thermoreceptor
5 thigh
9 thighbone
19 third cranial nerve
9 third eye
12 third eyelid
12 third tonsil
15 third ventricle
14 thoracic aorta
15 thoracic cavity
13 thoracic duct
14 thoracic nerve
13 thoracic vein
17 thoracic vertebra
22 thoracoepigastric vein
6 thorax
6 throat
5 thumb
9 thumbnail
8 thymosin
6 thymus
12 thymus gland
15 thyrocalcitonin
7 thyroid
17 thyroid cartilage
13 thyroid gland
15 thyroid hormone
12 thyroid vein
8 thyroxin
9 thyroxine
5 tibia
10 tibia vara
11 tibial vein
8 tibialis
17 tibialis anterior
16 tibialis anticus
15 tibialis muscle
18 tibialis posterior
17 tibialis posticus
6 ticker
6 tiptoe
6 tissue
12 tissue layer
3 tit
5 titty
13 tobacco juice
3 toe
7 toenail
8 tomentum
16 tomentum cerebri
6 tongue
6 tonsil
8 tonsilla
18 tonsilla adenoidea
21 tonsilla pharyngealis
7 tonsure
4 tool
7 tooshie
5 tooth
12 tooth enamel
10 tooth root
12 tooth socket
10 toothbrush
5 torso
9 trabecula
7 trachea
13 tracheal vein
5 tract
6 tragus
17 transforming gene
9 transgene
10 transplant
16 transverse colon
28 transverse muscle of abdomen
18 transverse process
16 transverse sinus
21 transversus abdominis
28 transversus abdominis muscle
4 trap
9 trapezium
14 trapezium bone
9 trapezius
16 trapezius muscle
9 trapezoid
14 trapezoid bone
5 tress
7 triceps
15 triceps brachii
15 tricuspid valve
10 trigeminal
16 trigeminal nerve
10 trigeminus
18 trigonum cerebrale
16 triiodothyronine
10 triquetral
15 triquetral bone
10 trochanter
9 trochlear
15 trochlear nerve
11 trochlearis
12 true glottis
8 true rib
15 true vocal cord
15 true vocal fold
26 truncus atrioventricularis
16 truncus celiacus
18 truncus pulmonalis
5 trunk
4 tube
8 tubercle
10 tuberosity
20 tubeshaped structure
14 tubular cavity
6 tubule
3 tum
5 tummy
21 tumor suppressor gene
5 tunic
6 tunica
23 tunica albuginea testes
24 tunica conjunctiva bulbi
30 tunica conjunctiva palpebrarum
8 turbinal
9 turbinate
14 turbinate bone
4 tush
4 twat
21 twelfth cranial nerve
5 twist
13 tympanic bone
15 tympanic cavity
17 tympanic membrane
13 tympanic vein
8 tympanum
6 type a
7 type ab
6 type b
6 type o