상위 문서: 역대 단어

끄투코리아 인게임 내 사전에 한번이라도 등재된 적 있는 단어들 중 U로 시작하는 단어 목록입니다. 현재 사전에 등재되어 있는 단어, 수정된 단어의 수정 전후 단어, 삭제된 단어, 오류 단어를 모두 포함하므로 수정에 유의 부탁드립니다.

영어 역대 단어
Z 1 2 3

길이 단어
1 u
6 uakari
10 ubermensch
6 ubiety
10 ubiquinone
10 ubiquitous
14 ubiquitousness
8 ubiquity
5 uboat
5 ubykh
5 udder
6 udmurt
8 udometer
6 udrive
6 uganda
7 ugandan
8 ugaritic
4 ugli
6 uglify
8 ugliness
4 ugly
6 ugrian
5 ugric
6 uhland
6 uighur
5 uigur
10 uintathere
14 uintatheriidae
12 uintatherium
5 ukase
7 ukraine
9 ukrainian
8 ukranian
8 ukrayina
7 ukulele
11 ulaanbaatar
7 ulalgia
5 ulama
7 ulanova
10 ulatrophia
5 ulcer
8 ulcerate
9 ulcerated
10 ulceration
10 ulcerative
8 ulcerous
5 ulema
12 ulemorrhagia
4 ulex
6 ulfila
7 ulfilas
6 ulitis
6 ullage
4 ullr
8 ulmaceae
5 ulmus
4 ulna
5 ulnar
6 ulster
8 ulterior
11 ulteriority
10 ulteriorly
6 ultima
8 ultimacy
8 ultimate
10 ultimately
12 ultimateness
9 ultimatum
6 ultimo
5 ultra
10 ultra ball
12 ultra crater
14 ultra deep sea
12 ultra desert
12 ultra forest
12 ultra jungle
17 ultra megalopolis
14 ultra necrozma
11 ultra plant
10 ultra ruin
11 ultra space
17 ultra space wilds
8 ultracef
19 ultracentrifugation
15 ultracentrifuge
17 ultraconservative
11 ultramarine
15 ultramicroscope
16 ultramicroscopic
11 ultramodern
12 ultramontane
14 ultramontanism
16 ultranationalism
18 ultranationalistic
16 ultranecrozium z
10 ultrasonic
14 ultrasonically
15 ultrasonography
10 ultrasound
10 ultrasuede
11 ultraviolet
7 ululate
9 ululation
4 ulva
8 ulvaceae
7 ulvales
11 ulvophyceae
7 ulysses
7 umayyad
5 umbel
10 umbellales
8 umbellar
9 umbellate
10 umbellifer
12 umbelliferae
13 umbelliferous
11 umbelliform
9 umbellike
12 umbellularia
5 umber
9 umbilical
10 umbilicate
9 umbilicus
4 umbo
5 umbra
7 umbrage
10 umbrageous
8 umbrella
12 umbrellalike
14 umbrellashaped
12 umbrellawort
7 umbreon
6 umbria
7 umbrian
7 umbrina
7 umbundu
6 umlaut
4 umma
5 ummah
8 umpirage
6 umpire
7 umpteen
9 umpteenth
8 umptieth
6 umteen
8 umteenth
9 unabashed
11 unabashedly
8 unabated
6 unable
10 unabridged
8 unabused
10 unaccented
15 unacceptability
12 unacceptable
16 unacceptableness
12 unacceptably
10 unaccepted
12 unaccessible
15 unaccommodating
13 unaccompanied
13 unaccountable
13 unaccountably
12 unaccredited
12 unaccustomed
12 unachievable
12 unachievably
14 unacknowledged
12 unacquainted
13 unacquisitive
9 unactable
14 unadaptability
11 unadaptable
9 unadapted
10 unaddicted
11 unaddressed
12 unadjustable
10 unadjusted
11 unadoptable
9 unadorned
13 unadulterated
13 unadventurous
11 unadvisable
9 unadvised
11 unadvisedly
9 unaerated
11 unaesthetic
10 unaffected
14 unaffectedness
11 unaffecting
14 unaffectionate
12 unaffiliated
9 unaffixed
8 unafraid
6 unaged
12 unaggressive
10 unagitated
4 unai
7 unaided
7 unaired
11 unairworthy
10 unalarming
7 unalert
11 unalienable
7 unalike
9 unalloyed
14 unalterability
11 unalterable
11 unalterably
9 unaltered
11 unambiguity
11 unambiguous
13 unambiguously
11 unambitious
13 unambitiously
9 unamended
10 unamerican
12 unanalyzable
10 unanalyzed
7 unangry
10 unanimated
9 unanimity
9 unanimous
11 unanimously
10 unannealed
11 unannounced
12 unanswerable
10 unanswered
13 unanticipated
12 unapologetic
11 unappareled
10 unapparent
12 unappealable
11 unappealing
13 unappealingly
12 unappeasable
12 unappendaged
12 unappetising
16 unappetisingness
12 unappetizing
16 unappetizingness
13 unappreciated
14 unappreciative
16 unappreciatively
14 unapprehensive
17 unapproachability
14 unapproachable
11 unarbitrary
10 unarguable
10 unarguably
15 unargumentative
5 unarm
7 unarmed
9 unarmored
10 unarmoured
12 unarticulate
13 unarticulated
10 unartistic
5 unary
15 unascertainable
12 unascribable
9 unashamed
11 unashamedly
7 unasked
12 unassailable
12 unassailably
11 unassertive
13 unassertively
15 unassertiveness
12 unassignable
10 unassigned
10 unassisted
10 unassuming
12 unassumingly
14 unassumingness
9 unassured
12 unasterisked
10 unattached
12 unattackable
12 unattainable
16 unattainableness
12 unattainably
10 unattended
9 unattired
12 unattractive
14 unattractively
16 unattractiveness
14 unattributable
4 unau
11 unauthentic
12 unauthorised
12 unauthorized
14 unavailability
11 unavailable
10 unavailing
9 unavenged
14 unavoidability
11 unavoidable
11 unavoidably
8 unavowed
10 unawakened
7 unaware
11 unawareness
8 unawares
6 unawed
8 unbacked
9 unbaffled
9 unbalance
10 unbalanced
11 unbalconied
8 unbanded
10 unbaptised
10 unbaptized
5 unbar
8 unbarred
10 unbarreled
11 unbarrelled
10 unbearable
10 unbearably
10 unbeatable
8 unbeaten
10 unbecoming
12 unbecomingly
14 unbecomingness
11 unbefitting
10 unbeholden
9 unbeknown
11 unbeknownst
8 unbelief
12 unbelievable
12 unbelievably
10 unbeliever
11 unbelieving
13 unbelievingly
9 unbeloved
6 unbelt
8 unbelted
6 unbend
10 unbendable
9 unbending
11 unbeneficed
6 unbent
8 unbiased
9 unbiassed
9 unbigoted
6 unbind
8 unbitter
10 unbleached
11 unblemished
9 unblended
9 unblessed
10 unblinking
12 unblinkingly
7 unblock
8 unbloody
10 unblushing
12 unblushingly
8 unbodied
6 unbolt
8 unbolted
8 unbooked
10 unbordered
6 unborn
7 unbosom
7 unbound
9 unbounded
13 unboundedness
7 unbowed
5 unbox
7 unbrace
8 unbraced
7 unbraid
13 unbrainwashed
10 unbranched
11 unbranching
9 unbranded
11 unbreakable
15 unbreakableness
12 unbridgeable
8 unbridle
9 unbridled
8 unbroken
9 unbrushed
8 unbuckle
8 unburden
10 unburdened
8 unburied
11 unburnished
8 unbutton
10 unbuttoned
11 uncalledfor
13 uncamphorated
9 uncannily
7 uncanny
8 uncapped
12 uncarbonated
10 uncaredfor
8 uncaring
10 uncarpeted
8 uncarved
6 uncase
11 uncastrated
13 uncategorised
13 uncategorized
9 uncaulked
8 uncaused
9 unceasing
11 unceasingly
10 uncensored
12 unceremonial
13 unceremonious
15 unceremoniously
17 unceremoniousness
9 uncertain
11 uncertainly
13 uncertainness
11 uncertainty
11 uncertified
7 unchain
9 unchained
15 unchallengeable
12 unchallenged
15 unchangeability
12 unchangeable
16 unchangeableness
12 unchangeably
9 unchanged
10 unchanging
14 unchangingness
16 uncharacteristic
20 uncharacteristically
9 uncharged
12 uncharitable
9 uncharted
11 unchartered
8 unchaste
11 uncheckable
9 unchecked
10 uncheerful
14 uncheerfulness
10 unchewable
12 unchivalrous
14 unchivalrously
11 unchristian
13 unchristianly
12 unchristlike
8 unchurch
6 uncial
7 uncivil
11 uncivilised
11 uncivilized
9 uncivilly
6 unclad
9 unclaimed
7 unclasp
14 unclassifiable
12 unclassified
5 uncle
7 unclean
13 uncleanliness
9 uncleanly
11 uncleanness
7 unclear
9 uncleared
9 unclearly
11 unclearness
11 unclimbable
6 unclip
9 unclipped
7 uncloak
6 unclog
9 unclogged
8 unclothe
9 unclothed
9 unclouded
13 uncloudedness
9 unclutter
11 uncluttered
4 unco
8 uncoated
9 uncoerced
6 uncoil
8 uncoiled
11 uncollected
13 uncollectible
9 uncolored
10 uncoloured
10 uncolumned
10 uncombable
8 uncombed
10 uncombined
12 uncomeatable
8 uncomely
13 uncomfortable
17 uncomfortableness
13 uncomfortably
12 uncommercial
16 uncommercialised
16 uncommercialized
11 uncommitted
8 uncommon
10 uncommonly
12 uncommonness
15 uncommunicative
19 uncommunicativeness
12 uncomparable
12 uncomparably
15 uncompartmented
15 uncompassionate
13 uncompensated
13 uncompetitive
13 uncomplaining
15 uncomplainingly
10 uncomplete
11 uncompleted
13 uncomplicated
15 uncomplimentary
12 uncompounded
14 uncomprehended
15 uncomprehending
16 uncomprehensible
10 uncompress
14 uncompromising
16 uncompromisingly
11 unconcealed
9 unconcern
11 unconcerned
13 unconcernedly
13 unconditional
15 unconditionally
13 unconditioned
11 unconfessed
10 unconfined
11 unconfirmed
13 unconformable
12 unconformist
10 unconfused
11 uncongenial
14 uncongeniality
11 unconnected
15 unconnectedness
13 unconquerable
11 unconquered
15 unconscientious
19 unconscientiousness
14 unconscionable
11 unconscious
13 unconsciously
15 unconsciousness
13 unconsecrated
12 unconsidered
12 unconsolable
14 unconsolidated
13 unconstipated
16 unconstitutional
18 unconstitutionally
13 unconstrained
12 unconstraint
13 unconstricted
14 unconstructive
10 unconsumed
13 unconsummated
14 uncontaminated
15 uncontaminating
11 uncontested
11 uncontrived
14 uncontrollable
14 uncontrollably
12 uncontrolled
15 uncontroversial
17 uncontroversially
14 unconventional
17 unconventionality
16 unconventionally
11 unconverted
13 unconvertible
11 unconvinced
12 unconvincing
14 unconvincingly
8 uncooked
6 uncool
13 uncooperative
13 uncoordinated
9 uncordial
6 uncork
13 uncorrectable
11 uncorrected
12 uncorrelated
14 uncorroborated
11 uncorrupted
9 uncounted
8 uncouple
9 uncoupled
10 uncousinly
7 uncouth
9 uncouthly
11 uncouthness
7 uncover
9 uncovered
10 uncovering
10 uncrannied
7 uncrate
9 uncreased
10 uncreative
14 uncreativeness
10 uncritical
12 uncritically
9 uncropped
7 uncross
9 uncrossed
9 uncrowded
9 uncrowned
14 uncrystallised
14 uncrystallized
7 unction
8 unctuous
10 unctuously
12 unctuousness
12 uncultivable
14 uncultivatable
12 uncultivated
10 uncultured
8 uncurbed
7 uncured
6 uncurl
8 uncurled
11 uncurtained
8 uncurved
9 uncurving
5 uncus
5 uncut
9 undamaged
9 undatable
7 undated
9 undaunted
9 undecagon
9 undeceive
10 undeceived
9 undecided
14 undecipherable
14 undecipherably
12 undeciphered
10 undeclared
14 undecomposable
12 undecomposed
11 undecorated
11 undedicated
10 undefeated
44 undefeated matriarch of the gouyoku alliance
12 undefendable
10 undefended
13 undeferential
9 undefiled
11 undefinable
9 undefined
12 undelineated
11 undella bay
12 undella town
11 undemanding
12 undemocratic
16 undemocratically
15 undemonstrative
10 undeniable
10 undeniably
16 undenominational
15 undependability
12 undependable
16 undependableness
12 undependably
10 undepicted
5 under
12 underachieve
16 underachievement
13 underachiever
8 underact
11 underactive
8 underage
8 underarm
10 underbelly
8 underbid
11 underbodice
9 underbody
9 underboss
9 underbred
10 underbrush
13 undercarriage
11 undercharge
10 underclass
13 underclassman
12 underclothed
12 underclothes
13 underclothing
9 undercoat
11 undercoated
10 undercover
12 undercurrent
8 undercut
12 underdevelop
14 underdeveloped
16 underdevelopment
8 underdog
9 underdone
12 underdrawers
10 underdress
12 underdressed
13 undereducated
13 underemployed
13 underestimate
15 underestimation
15 underevaluation
11 underexpose
13 underexposure
8 underfed
9 underfelt
9 underfoot
10 underframe
8 underfur
12 undergarment
9 undergird
7 undergo
9 undergrad
13 undergraduate
11 underground
17 underground ruins
9 undergrow
11 undergrowth
9 underhand
11 underhanded
13 underhandedly
9 underhung
12 underivative
9 underived
8 underlay
12 underlayment
8 underlie
9 underline
9 underling
8 underlip
10 underlying
11 undermanned
14 undermentioned
9 undermine
10 underneath
12 undernourish
14 undernourished
16 undernourishment
10 underpants
9 underpart
9 underpass
8 underpay
12 underpayment
12 underperform
14 underperformer
8 underpin
9 underplay
14 underpopulated
10 underprice
15 underprivileged
12 underproduce
15 underproduction
10 underquote
9 underrate
11 underrating
14 underreckoning
10 underscore
8 undersea
9 underseal
11 undersealed
14 undersecretary
9 undersell
11 underseller
10 undersexed
10 undershirt
10 undershoot
9 undershot
10 undershrub
9 underside
9 undersign
9 undersize
10 undersized
10 underskirt
10 underslung
9 undersoil
10 underspend
12 understaffed
10 understand
17 understandability
14 understandable
14 understandably
13 understanding
15 understandingly
10 understate
11 understated
14 understatement
10 understock
10 understood
14 understructure
10 understudy
12 undersurface
9 undertake
10 undertaker
11 undertaking
15 underthecounter
13 underthetable
9 undertide
9 undertone
8 undertow
14 undervaluation
10 undervalue
10 underwater
8 underway
9 underwear
11 underweight
9 underwing
9 underwood
10 underworld
10 underwrite
11 underwriter
11 undescended
13 undescriptive
10 undeserved
12 undeservedly
11 undeserving
10 undesigned
14 undesirability
11 undesirable
11 undesirably
9 undesired
10 undesiring
10 undesirous
13 undestroyable
12 undetectable
10 undetected
14 undeterminable
12 undetermined
10 undeterred
11 undeveloped
11 undeviating
13 undiagnosable
11 undiagnosed
6 undies
16 undifferentiated
10 undigested
11 undignified
9 undiluted
12 undiminished
8 undimmed
6 undine
12 undiplomatic
16 undiplomatically
10 undirected
12 undiscerning
12 undischarged
12 undiscipline
13 undisciplined
11 undisclosed
13 undiscouraged
14 undiscoverable
12 undiscovered
16 undiscriminating
11 undisguised
10 undismayed
12 undisputable
10 undisputed
12 undisputedly
11 undissolved
17 undistinguishable
15 undistinguished
11 undistorted
13 undistributed
11 undisturbed
13 undiversified
11 undividable
9 undivided
4 undo
8 undoable
6 undock
12 undocumented
6 undoer
10 undogmatic
12 undogmatical
7 undoing
10 undomestic
14 undomesticated
6 undone
11 undoubtedly
9 undrained
10 undramatic
14 undramatically
7 undrape
8 undraped
7 undrawn
9 undreamed
8 undreamt
7 undress
9 undressed
7 undried
11 undrinkable
6 undset
5 undue
8 undulant
8 undulate
10 undulation
10 undulatory
6 unduly
9 undutiful
13 undutifulness
6 undyed
7 undying
9 undynamic
7 uneager
8 unearned
7 unearth
9 unearthly
6 unease
8 uneasily
10 uneasiness
6 uneasy
9 uneatable
10 uneconomic
12 uneconomical
10 unedifying
8 unedited
10 uneducated
11 uneffective
11 unelaborate
12 unelaborated
13 unembarrassed
13 unembellished
10 unembodied
11 unemotional
14 unemotionality
13 unemotionally
10 unemphatic
12 unemployable
10 unemployed
12 unemployment
10 unenclosed
13 unencouraging
12 unencumbered
7 unended
8 unending
10 unendingly
9 unendowed
11 unendurable
11 unenergetic
15 unenergetically
13 unenforceable
10 unenforced
9 unengaged
13 unenlightened
14 unenlightening
15 unenlightenment
11 unenlivened
10 unenrgetic
14 unenterprising
14 unenthusiastic
18 unenthusiastically
10 unentitled
10 unenviable
7 unequal
9 unequaled
11 unequalised
11 unequalized
10 unequalled
9 unequally
10 unequipped
11 unequivocal
13 unequivocally
15 unequivocalness
10 unerasable
7 unerect
8 unerring
10 unerringly
6 unesco
11 unessential
13 unestablished
9 unethical
11 unethically
6 uneven
8 unevenly
10 unevenness
10 uneventful
12 uneventfully
10 unexacting
10 unexampled
10 unexceeded
10 unexcelled
15 unexceptionable
13 unexceptional
17 unexchangeability
14 unexchangeable
11 unexcitable
9 unexcited
10 unexciting
12 unexcitingly
11 unexclusive
9 unexcused
11 unexhausted
11 unexpansive
10 unexpected
12 unexpectedly
14 unexpectedness
12 unexpendable
10 unexpended
9 unexpired
13 unexplainable
11 unexplained
10 unexploded
11 unexploited
13 unexplorative
13 unexploratory
10 unexplored
12 unexportable
11 unexpressed
13 unexpressible
12 unexpressive
12 unexpurgated
10 unextended
9 unfaceted
8 unfading
9 unfailing
11 unfailingly
6 unfair
8 unfairly
10 unfairness
10 unfaithful
12 unfaithfully
14 unfaithfulness
11 unfaltering
13 unfalteringly
10 unfamiliar
13 unfamiliarity
13 unfashionable
13 unfashionably
8 unfasten
10 unfastened
10 unfastener
11 unfastening
12 unfastidious
12 unfathomable
10 unfathomed
10 unfattened
11 unfavorable
15 unfavorableness
11 unfavorably
12 unfavourable
16 unfavourableness
12 unfavourably
9 unfearing
13 unfeasibility
10 unfeasible
11 unfeathered
5 unfed
9 unfeeling
11 unfeelingly
13 unfeelingness
9 unfeigned
11 unfeignedly
10 unfeminine
8 unfenced
11 unfermented
9 unfertile
12 unfertilised
12 unfertilized
10 unfettered
8 unfezant
8 unfilled
8 unfilmed
10 unfinished
6 unfirm
5 unfit
9 unfitness
9 unfitting
7 unfixed
10 unflagging
11 unflappable
12 unflattering
10 unflavored
11 unflavoured
8 unflawed
9 unfledged
11 unflinching
13 unfluctuating
10 unflurried
11 unflustered
9 unfocused
10 unfocussed
6 unfold
9 unfolding
12 unforbearing
8 unforced
10 unforceful
13 unforeseeable
10 unforeseen
14 unforesightful
10 unforested
16 unforethoughtful
13 unforfeitable
13 unforgettable
13 unforgettably
12 unforgivable
12 unforgivably
11 unforgiving
13 unforgivingly
8 unformed
11 unfortunate
13 unfortunately
9 unfounded
8 unframed
6 unfree
8 unfreeze
12 unfrequented
9 unfretted
14 unfriendliness
10 unfriendly
12 unfrightened
7 unfrock
9 unfrosted
8 unfrozen
10 unfruitful
8 unfueled
11 unfulfilled
12 unfunctional
8 unfunded
7 unfunny
6 unfurl
11 unfurnished
10 unfurrowed
12 ungainliness
8 ungainly
9 ungallant
8 ungarbed
11 ungarmented
10 ungathered
8 ungeared
10 ungenerous
8 ungentle
15 ungentlemanlike
13 ungentlemanly
11 ungetatable
11 unglamorous
12 unglamourous
8 unglazed
11 ungodliness
7 ungodly
12 ungovernable
10 ungoverned
10 ungraceful
12 ungracefully
14 ungracefulness
10 ungracious
12 ungraciously
14 ungraciousness
8 ungraded
13 ungrammatical
15 ungrammatically
9 ungrasped
10 ungrateful
12 ungratefully
14 ungratefulness
11 ungratified
12 ungratifying
9 ungreased
12 ungregarious
9 ungroomed
10 ungrudging
12 ungrudgingly
6 ungual
12 unguaranteed
9 unguarded
7 unguent
11 unguiculata
11 unguiculate
12 unguiculated
8 unguided
6 unguis
8 ungulata
8 ungulate
9 ungulated
8 ungummed
10 ungusseted
8 unhallow
10 unhallowed
10 unhampered
6 unhand
9 unhappily
11 unhappiness
7 unhappy
10 unhardened
8 unharmed
12 unharmonious
14 unharmoniously
9 unharness
9 unhatched
11 unhazardous
8 unheaded
8 unhealed
11 unhealthful
15 unhealthfulness
13 unhealthiness
9 unhealthy
10 unhearable
7 unheard
9 unheardof
9 unhearing
8 unheated
8 unheeded
9 unheeding
9 unhelpful
11 unhelpfully
13 unhelpfulness
10 unheralded
12 unhesitating
14 unhesitatingly
6 unhewn
10 unhindered
7 unhinge
8 unhinged
7 unhitch
10 unholiness
6 unholy
13 unhomogenised
13 unhomogenized
6 unhook
7 unhoped
10 unhopedfor
9 unhopeful
7 unhorse
7 unhuman
10 unhumorous
9 unhurried
11 unhurriedly
13 unhurriedness
6 unhurt
10 unhygienic
14 unhygienically
5 uniat
6 uniate
10 unicameral
6 unicef
11 unicellular
7 unicorn
9 unicuspid
8 unicycle
10 unicyclist
14 unidentifiable
12 unidentified
14 unidimensional
14 unidirectional
9 unifacial
11 unification
7 unified
8 unifilar
10 unifoliate
7 uniform
9 uniformed
10 uniformise
10 uniformity
10 uniformize
9 uniformly
11 uniformness
5 unify
8 unifying
10 unilateral
13 unilateralism
13 unilateralist
12 unilaterally
13 unilluminated
14 unilluminating
12 unimaginable
12 unimaginably
13 unimaginative
15 unimaginatively
10 unimagined
8 unimodal
10 unimpaired
13 unimpassioned
13 unimpeachable
13 unimpeachably
9 unimpeded
12 unimportance
11 unimportant
10 unimposing
13 unimpregnated
11 unimpressed
16 unimpressionable
12 unimpressive
14 unimpressively
12 unimprisoned
10 unimproved
14 unincorporated
16 unindustrialised
16 unindustrialized
12 uninebriated
10 uninfected
11 uninflected
12 uninfluenced
13 uninfluential
13 uninformative
15 uninformatively
10 uninformed
13 uninhabitable
11 uninhabited
11 uninhibited
10 uninitiate
11 uninitiated
12 uninjectable
9 uninjured
10 uninominal
11 uninquiring
13 uninquisitive
10 uninspired
11 uninspiring
12 uninstructed
13 uninstructive
15 uninstructively
14 uninsurability
11 uninsurable
9 uninsured
12 unintegrated
13 unintelligent
15 unintelligently
17 unintelligibility
14 unintelligible
14 unintelligibly
10 unintended
13 unintentional
15 unintentionally
12 uninterested
13 uninteresting
15 uninterestingly
17 uninterestingness
13 uninterrupted
15 uninterruptedly
13 unintimidated
13 unintoxicated
11 unintrusive
11 uninucleate
11 uninventive
9 uninvited
11 uninvitedly
10 uninviting
10 uninvolved
4 unio
5 union
10 union cave
9 unionidae
12 unionisation
8 unionise
9 unionised
8 unionism
8 unionist
12 unionization
8 unionize
9 unionized
9 uniovular
10 uniovulate
9 uniparous
8 unipolar
6 unique
8 uniquely
10 uniqueness
8 unironed
6 unisex
9 unisexual
6 unison
4 unit
7 unitard
9 unitarian
12 unitarianism
7 unitary
5 unite
6 united
8 unitedly
7 uniting
11 unitisation
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