미디어위키 API 도움말
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list=abuselog (afl)
- 이 모듈은 read 권한을 요구합니다.
- 출처: Abuse Filter
- 라이선스: GPL-2.0-or-later
Show events that were caught by one of the abuse filters.
- aflstart
The timestamp to start enumerating from.
- 유형: 타임스탬프 (허용되는 포맷)
- aflend
The timestamp to stop enumerating at.
- 유형: 타임스탬프 (허용되는 포맷)
- afldir
In which direction to enumerate:
- newer
- List oldest first. Note: aflstart has to be before aflend.
- older
- List newest first (default). Note: aflstart has to be later than aflend.
- 다음 값 중 하나: newer, older 또는 alternative: newer, older
- 기본값: older
- afluser
Show only entries done by a given user or IP address.
- afltitle
Show only entries occurring on a given page.
- aflfilter
Show only entries that were caught by a given filter ID.
- | 또는 대안으로 값을 구분합니다. 값들의 최대 수는 50입니다. (봇의 경우 500)
- afllimit
The maximum amount of entries to list.
- 500 초과는 허용되지 않습니다. (봇의 경우 5,000)
- 유형: 정수 또는 max
- 기본값: 10
- aflprop
Which properties to get.
- 값 (|로 구분): ids, filter, user, ip, title, action, details, result, timestamp, hidden, revid 또는 alternative: ids, filter, user, ip, title, action, details, result, timestamp, hidden, revid
- 기본값: ids|user|title|action|result|timestamp|hidden|revid