상위 문서: 인체(주제)
인체 글자별 단어 목록
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인체 주제에 해당하는 단어 중 L로 시작하는 단어 목록입니다.



길이 단어
12 labia majora
12 labia minora
13 labial artery
11 labial vein
6 labium
9 labrocyte
9 labyrinth
19 labyrinthine artery
17 labyrinthine vein
14 lachrymal duct
15 lachrymal gland
19 lachrymal secretion
18 lacrimal apparatus
15 lacrimal artery
13 lacrimal bone
13 lacrimal duct
14 lacrimal gland
12 lacrimal sac
18 lacrimal secretion
13 lacrimal vein
7 lacteal
16 lactiferous duct
6 lambda
14 lamboid suture
7 lamella
6 lamina
22 lamina arcus vertebrae
8 landmark
13 language area
13 language zone
11 lantern jaw
6 lanugo
3 lap
6 lappet
15 large intestine
16 laryngeal artery
14 laryngeal vein
14 laryngopharynx
6 larynx
4 lash
3 lat
23 lateral cerebral sulcus
15 lateral condyle
18 lateral epicondyle
18 lateral geniculate
23 lateral geniculate body
14 lateral rectus
21 lateral rectus muscle
17 lateral ventricle
16 latissimus dorsi
7 leaflet
4 left
27 left atrioventricular valve
11 left atrium
24 left atrium of the heart
10 left brain
20 left coronary artery
19 left gastric artery
17 left gastric vein
9 left hand
15 left hemisphere
14 left ventricle
3 leg
8 leg bone
9 lemniscus
4 lens
12 lens capsule
11 lens cortex
12 lens nucleus
15 lens of the eye
12 lente iletin
13 lente insulin
18 lenticular nucleus
17 lentiform nucleus
7 lentigo
13 leptomeninges
14 lesser omentum
24 lesser peritoneal cavity
22 lesser rhomboid muscle
11 lethal gene
9 leucocyte
10 leucorrhea
9 leukocyte
10 leukorrhea
7 levator
11 leydig cell
3 lid
4 lien
13 lienal artery
9 life form
9 lifeblood
8 ligament
22 ligamentum teres uteri
4 limb
12 limbic brain
13 limbic system
6 limbus
9 lineament
6 lingua
14 lingual artery
12 lingual vein
5 linin
13 linkage group
12 linked genes
12 liothyronine
3 lip
8 liposome
21 liquid body substance
13 little finger
10 little toe
9 live body
5 liver
10 liver spot
16 living substance
4 lobe
16 lobe of the lung
6 lobule
6 lochia
4 lock
6 locule
7 loculus
11 locus niger
5 loins
9 long bone
19 long saphenous vein
11 love handle
9 lower jaw
13 lower jawbone
23 lower respiratory tract
29 lower respiratory tract smear
13 lumbar artery
12 lumbar nerve
13 lumbar plexus
11 lumbar vein
15 lumbar vertebra
18 lumbosacral plexus
5 lumen
11 lunate bone
4 lung
6 lunula
6 lunule
5 lymph
10 lymph cell
11 lymph gland
10 lymph node
12 lymph vessel
16 lymphatic system
16 lymphatic tissue
16 lymphatic vessel
11 lymphoblast
10 lymphocyte
15 lymphoid tissue
8 lysosome