상위 문서: 인체(주제)
인체 글자별 단어 목록
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인체 주제에 해당하는 단어 중 R로 시작하는 단어 목록입니다.



길이 단어
6 rachis
13 radial artery
12 radial nerve
11 radial vein
15 radiatio optica
9 radiation
7 radicle
17 radiocarpal joint
6 radius
5 ramus
5 raphe
3 ras
3 rbc
4 rear
8 rear end
8 receptor
9 recessive
16 recessive allele
14 recessive gene
25 recombinant human insulin
13 rectal artery
11 rectal vein
6 rectum
6 rectus
15 rectus inferior
16 rectus lateralis
15 rectus medialis
15 rectus superior
14 red blood cell
15 red bone marrow
10 red marrow
10 reflex arc
6 region
14 regulator gene
15 regulatory gene
7 relaxin
16 releasing factor
17 releasing hormone
7 remains
12 renal artery
15 renal corpuscle
12 renal cortex
12 renal pelvis
10 renal vein
14 repressor gene
17 reproductive cell
18 reproductive organ
19 reproductive system
3 res
18 respiratory center
17 respiratory organ
18 respiratory system
17 respiratory tract
4 rete
14 rete malpighii
11 rete testis
27 reticular activating system
19 reticular formation
12 reticulocyte
26 reticuloendothelial system
9 reticulum
6 retina
12 retinal cone
11 retinal rod
20 retromandibular vein
2 rf
2 rh
11 rh negative
11 rh positive
6 rhaphe
14 rhinencephalon
7 rhinion
16 rhnegative blood
21 rhnegative blood type
15 rhombencephalon
8 rhomboid
21 rhomboid minor muscle
15 rhomboid muscle
24 rhomboideus major muscle
21 rhpositive blood type
3 rib
8 rib cage
8 ribosome
5 ridge
5 right
28 right atrioventricular valve
12 right atrium
25 right atrium of the heart
11 right brain
21 right coronary artery
20 right gastric artery
18 right gastric vein
10 right hand
16 right hemisphere
15 right ventricle
4 rima
14 rima glottidis
9 rima oris
12 rima pudendi
17 rima respiratoria
14 rima vestibuli
12 rima vocalis
11 rima vulvae
11 ring finger
13 ring of color
7 ringlet
5 roach
3 rod
8 rod cell
10 roman nose
17 roof of the mouth
4 root
10 root canal
12 rotary joint
12 rotator cuff
14 rotatory joint
10 round bone
28 round ligament of the uterus
12 round window
8 rudiment
4 ruff
4 ruga
4 rump